Cold Fusion, Inc.
Based in Sapporo, Japan
Release date:
September 20, 2017
iPhone / iPad
Amazon Kindle Fire
Regular Price:
Free | (with In-App Purchases) |
Think you're good at puzzles? You've never experienced a fast action puzzler like this before! Crystal Clash competitively pits you against other online players around the world in realtime, requiring quick puzzle solving skills and fast reactions in order to win. In the world of Crystal Clash, you are the lord of your castle, and your soldiers, called "Bits", assist you in expanding your territory. Both you and your opponent simultaneously solve the same set of pixel logic puzzles, and with each correct fill, your Bits automatically advance and attack your opponent. Decide the best strategy for your Bits by controlling the lanes they attack on -- either keeping your defense strong, or pushing them all for a full attack to claim your opponent's area. For each puzzle you solve, you'll gain experience to level up your Bits, increasing their strength, defense, speed and hit points, and will unlock new and powerful skills for use in battle!
Crystal Clash was developed in a span of three months, and simultaneously released and exhibited at Tokyo Game Show 2017 in the Indie Games Area, booth 9-B43. Crystal Clash uses Cold Fusion's in-house developed high performance multithreaded 3D rendering engine and multiplayer networking technology. Updates are continually released every two to three weeks, adding new features and functionality to the game.
- Hyper-speed puzzle battles!
- Fight against other players from around the world in realtime!
- Gain experience, level up, and build and customize your own character!
Crystal Clash Promotion Video YouTube
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "Top 10 Finalist in Google Play Indie Games Festival 2018" TABLOID (Tokyo, Japan) / April 28th, 2018 / https://events.withgoogle.com/indie-games-festival-2018-1/winners--top-20/#content
Selected Articles
- "世界中のプレイヤーとリアルタイムで対戦する高速パズルゲームです。"
- 赤沼俊幸, Kitagoe - "北海道、東京、ドイツと、別々のところにいる3人がリモートワークで開発した本作の驚くべき点は、なんと既存のゲームエンジンを利用するのではなく、自分たちでこのゲーム開発のためにゲームエンジンを制作してしまったこと。"
- , Famitsu App - "高速にパズルで対戦をくり広げるという、その難しさもあってか、開発スタッフの福本 章氏は「このゲームはまだ未完成です。人を選ぶゲームですが、今後は誰しもがハマれるゲームを目指しています」と意気込んでいた。"
- 西川くん, Famitsu - "ファイナルイベントでは、展示されているトップ20のゲームを試遊することができ、来場者による投票でトップ10にまで絞り込まれる。"
- 真子智行, ApplivGames - "リアルタイムでどんどん盤面が塗られていくことで、手に汗握るバトルが楽しめる。パズルゲームやピクロスの腕に自信がある方は、ぜひ挑戦してみてほしい。"
- 保坂陽介, ApplivGames - "トップ 10 受賞タイトル"
- Tomoko Tanaka, Google Developers - "トップ10に選ばれたそのほかの作品を,ざっくりと紹介しよう。"
- m.k, 4Gamer.net - "TOP10に選ばれたゲームは特設ステージでプレゼンテーションを実施、ゲームファンと審査員の採点によりTOP3が決定する。"
- , SQOOL.NET - "高速にパズルで対戦をくり広げるという、その難しさもあってか、開発スタッフの福本 章氏は「このゲームはまだ未完成です。人を選ぶゲームですが、今後は誰しもがハマれるゲームを目指しています」と意気込んでいた。"
- 西川くん, Niconico News - "[ 後編へ続く ]"
- , iPhone GameCast
Monetization Permission
Cold Fusion, Inc. allows for the contents of Crystal Clash to be published through video broadcasting services for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. Monetization of videos created containing assets from Crystal Clash is legally & explicitly allowed by Cold Fusion, Inc.. This permission can be found in writing at https://coldfusion.co.jp/press/sheet.php?p=crystal_clash.
About Cold Fusion, Inc.
At Cold Fusion, we're a small independent game development studio with a mission to create original, fun, and artistic games for a variety of platforms. With a long history of involvement in both the game development industry and the demoscene, we've taken the leap to focus on creating the games that we want to build.
More information
More information on Cold Fusion, Inc., our logo & relevant media are available here.
Crystal Clash Credits
Akira Fukumoto
Game Design / Art
Eike "Romeo Knight" Steffen
Music / SFX
Michael Tedder
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks