We've joined JAWS FESTA 2019 as a Hokkaido Corporate Supporter!
This year's JAWS FESTA will be held here in our hometown of Sapporo, and we're happy to announce that Cold Fusion is supporting JAWS FESTA 2019 as a Hokkaido Corporate sponsor. JAWS FESTA 2019 is an event organized by the Japan AWS Users Group (JAWS-UG) community, and will have a full day of AWS sessions across three tracks for beginners and experts alike.
JAWS FESTA 2019 will be held in the HTB (Hokkaido Television Broadcasting) office in Sosei Square on Saturday, November 2nd. We hope to see you there!
- More information about JAWS FESTA 2019:
https://jft2019.jaws-ug.jp/ - Our JAWS FESTA 2019 Sponsor page: